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Survey on urban and peri-urban agriculture

Welcome! As part of the Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture as Green Infrastructure (UP-AGrI) project, we are conducting a survey on urban farming in India and Tanzania. The survey includes questions on your demographic information, location, farming/gardening practices, and perceptions of benefits from urban farming. All responses will be coded, so the information you provide will remain anonymous. Data from this research will be reported only in aggregate in the form of scientific reports (e.g., journal articles, maps, and policy notes).

We kindly request you to give us your valuable inputs. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Since this survey uses a geo-spatial interface, we request you to switch on GPS location on the device you will use to respond. The survey is available in five languages (English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Marathi).


Click on the button below to start the survey




Thank you very much for your time and support.

If you have any questions, please contact us at This research has been reviewed and approved by the IIHS Research Ethics Committee. You may talk to them at Research Ethics Committee, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, 197/36, 2nd Main Road, Sadashiv Nagar, Bangalore, 560080, India, Ph: +91 80 6760 6666, email:

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Urban and peri-urban agriculture as green infrastructure (UP-AGrI) is a three-year research project examining the implications of urban agriculture on human well-being and urban sustainability. The project draws  on research in Tanzania and India. UP-AGrI is funded by the British Academy’s “Urban Infrastructures of Well-Being” programme, under the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

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